Chilton Trinity School

Admissions and transfer arrangements

If you are interested in finding out more about this school, please contact, in the first instance, our Reception Manager Miss H McElligott (Tel: 01278 425222).

In-year admissions (school children who are currently in Years 7-11)

For admissions into Years 7 – 11 please ask to speak to Mrs T Dunderdale, Administration Assistant (Admissions), who would be delighted to arrange a time for you to come in to meet a member of staff and have a look around our school.

In-year application form to print

In-year application form electronic

Year 6 applications (Year 6 students who will be starting secondary school September 2025)

For students, parents, and carers interested in applying to our school for September 2025, we will be hosting open events. The dates for these events will be announced closer to the time.

Applications for secondary school need to be completed by 31 October, please download and complete the application form below. You will be informed of the outcome in March.


If your application to Chilton Trinity School is successful, we will contact you with information regarding the transition process.

At Chilton Trinity School we maintain very close links with our feeder primary schools and during the summer term, prior to transfer, we will work along side the primary schools to deliver the transition process. To see resources regarding the transition process please look at our transition page.

If you have questions regarding the application for secondary schools, please contact the local authority in the first instance as they deal with the admissions process, Admissions Department, Somerset Council t: 0845 345 9122.

Students will be admitted at age 11 (Year 7) on a non-selective basis. The number of intended admissions in September will be 200.

For further information please see the Primary and Secondary Admission Guides. Parent and carers are advised to read this booklet thoroughly before making an online application.

Further information

Admissions arrangements 2023-24

Admissions arrangements 2024-25

Admissions arrangements 2025-26


School admission appeals code

All enquiries should be addressed to Mrs T Dunderdale, tel: 01278 425 222.