Curriculum Overview
As a Futura Learning Partnership School, our curriculum offer is informed by the Futura Curriculum that has been developed by cross-phase subject specialists. This curriculum spans each education phase and has been planned to provide the optimum knowledge sequence for building secure schema, with knowledge underpinning and enabling the application of skills. Progression through the curriculum is by shared age-related expectations and at each phase the curriculum draws upon the latest thinking and evidence informed research and focuses on closing gaps, early and targeted intervention and developing core literacy and numeracy skills for success.
Our curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced and should inspire and support students in their progression to Post-16 education and to their chosen career path. We also seek to build the spiritual, moral, cultural, social, intellectual and physical development of our students and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in this country and beyond. We also promote British values, for example, democracy and the rule of law.
We have a well-developed care, advice and guidance programme to support students at each point in their school career, for example, at a pivotal point at the end of Key Stage 3 (KS3 Years 7-9) in Year 09 when students are making decisions regarding Key Stage 4 study (KS4 Years 10 and 11) and in KS4 for Post-16 pathways.
Our extra-curricular programme includes a wide range of educational visits and sporting opportunities as well as a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs including Dungeons and Dragons, chess and musical theatre. Additionally, our programme of assemblies also has an important part to play in terms of developing whole school ethos, drawing attention to important national, international and local themes, as well as supporting the positive progress of our students, both in school and out.
In KS3, students study 13 different subjects over three years with subject content that follows The National Curriculum. We work with other schools in our Trust to enhance curriculum content further to ensure that our students are provided with a rich experience that leads from Key Stage 2 and prepares them for our two-year Key Stage 4 curriculum.
In Key Stage Four, almost all students study eight GCSE qualifications or equivalent over two years. All of these areas of study can also be followed at Level 3 as part of a Post-16 provision. Our curriculum encourages students to meet the government’s EBacc standard if they choose to follow this pathway. We are also compliant with DfE requirements on curriculum accountability.
All students have an opportunity to engage in the study of Humanities: History, Geography and Religious Studies throughout KS3 as well as studying French or Spanish and are strongly encouraged to select from these English Baccalaureate (EBACC) subjects as GCSE courses they will follow in Years 10 and 11 in order to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum.
All students study Art, Drama and Music throughout Key Stage 3, with the opportunity to opt for further and enhanced study of the Arts in Key Stage 4.
Design & Technology in Years 7, 8 and 9 is a study of the disciplines Design Technology, Textiles, Catering, CAD and CAM and in Years 10 and 11 students can opt to study Design Technology or Catering.
Physical Education provides students with an opportunity to participate in a range of team sports and individual sports throughout their school career from Years 7 – 11, and BTEC Sport is an option in KS4.
PSHE comprises elements of religious education, health and sex education, consumer education, work-related learning including careers education and relationships and is also taught from Year 7 to 11.
Building on Key Stage 3, all students study the full core curriculum offer in Years 10 and 11: Maths, English Language and Literature with most students studying Combined Science over two years in KS4, although any student can select triple science as an option.
There are three pathways through KS4 ranging from the academic, English Baccalaureate to a more vocational route. All pathways can lead students into Higher Education degree settings including Russell Group Universities.
We are confident through our curriculum offer we can realize our Mission in ‘A School Community, where everyone belongs, everyone is valued, and everyone can thrive’ to enable all students to achieve our Vision of ‘Success Breeds Success’ now and in the future.
Students at Chilton Trinity School study a wide-ranging curriculum, and even within each subject there is a wide range of content. For this reason, each subject area has produced detail about their curriculum in their long-term plan that provides an overview of curriculum content from Years 7-11. Click on each subject area below to find out more about what students will be studying in each area, to see how you can work in collaboration with us to support your child by asking about and supporting their studies at home:
Curriculum-2024 (ID 1042)
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader
Art and Design
Art and Design
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care
Personal Development
Personal Development
Physical Education
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Sports Studies
Sports Studies