Chilton Trinity School

Pupil Premium

The Department for Education introduced the Pupil Premium in April 2011. The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided to enhance the education of students entitled to free school meals, those who have ever been entitled to free school meals over the last 6 years, adopted or children looked after or children of parents in the armed forces/services. For the year academic year 2024/25 we will receive £1050 for each student who is eligible. This extra money could make a real difference to the quality of education we offer.

For example, at Chilton Trinity School, we’ve previously used Pupil Premium funding for:

  • Educational provision/resources
  • Academic interventions
  • Social and Emotional interventions
  • Summer School for our current Year 7, 8 and 9 Students.
  • Careers Advice and Guidance
  • Enrichment Opportunities

Further information

To find out if you are eligible for this funding and to apply for Free School Meals through Somerset County Council, please see the letter that was sent out to parents and carers.

See how we intend to spend our funding in the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25